Lapis lazuli information

The exceptional History of Lapis Pigment

The exceptional History of Lapis Pigment

Ultramarine is one of the oldest of the artist’s pigments that is cherished and sought in present times too. It is a historic pigment having been found in Egyptian tomb...

The exceptional History of Lapis Pigment

Ultramarine is one of the oldest of the artist’s pigments that is cherished and sought in present times too. It is a historic pigment having been found in Egyptian tomb...

Egg Tempera Technique for Beginners

Egg Tempera Technique for Beginners

Egg Tempera Technique Egg tempera technique is a painting technique in which egg yolk is used asa binder for the color pigment. Water is used as the medium History of...

Egg Tempera Technique for Beginners

Egg Tempera Technique Egg tempera technique is a painting technique in which egg yolk is used asa binder for the color pigment. Water is used as the medium History of...

The Best Natural Ultramarine pigment in the world

The Best Natural Ultramarine pigment in the world

The best Natural Ultramarine pigment in the world is the Afghan Natural Ultramarine extracted from the gemstone Lapis Lazuli from the mines of Badakhshan Afghanistan. It was the very same...

The Best Natural Ultramarine pigment in the world

The best Natural Ultramarine pigment in the world is the Afghan Natural Ultramarine extracted from the gemstone Lapis Lazuli from the mines of Badakhshan Afghanistan. It was the very same...